CSN Biological Sciences - Courses

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Course Categories

AS Degree

Courses required for, and are recommended, for the Associate of Science (AS) degree with biological emphasis. Students pursuing pre-professional degrees (premed, predental, etc.) and careers in science should consider completing an associate of science (AS) degree at CSN.

The first biology course for the AS with biological emphasis is BIOL 190.

Health Science

Health Science courses are prerequisites for degrees in the health sciences (e.g. nursing). Check your degree sheet and meet with a health-science counselor to determine which course(s) you need to apply for your program.

Gen Ed

Many degrees require 3 credits in a natural science. These courses fulfill that requirement. For students whose major is not in science or medicine, the recommended course is BIOL 101.

Biology 101 also has a laboratory component, which is a requirement of some degrees.

Medical Lab

An Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Medical Laboratory Technician Degree and a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Degree in Medical Laboratory Science are available at CSN.

Two biology courses are required for the Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Medical Laboratory Scientist at CSN, BIOL 190 and BIOL 325.


BIOL 251H is an honors course. Honors courses provide several advantages:

  • Transfer Credit - BIOL 251H at CSN transfers to UNLV as BIOL 351, a requirement of all life science majors.
  • Honors distinction on transcripts
  • Small class sizes and unique classroom experiences


With instructor permission students may register for BIOL 299 and perform independent biological scientific research.

  • Make new discoveries in science for possible publication.
  • Independent research that you direct.
  • Can be placed on your resume for scholarships, professional schools, graduate schools, or other advancement.


  • BIOL 095: Basic Biology

    An introduction to the principles of math, chemistry, cell biology, energetics, and molecular genetics designed to prepare students for college freshman biology. The application of study skills to biology courses will also be emphasized. This course is non-transferable.
    Terms: Fall, Spring | Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus: WCH, NLV

  • BIOL 101: Biology for Non Majors

    An introduction to biology with emphasis on human concerns. Topics include aspects of organism structure, function, ecology, and evolution which provide a biological perspective for issues facing modern society. Intended to satisfy the lab science general education requirement.
    Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer | Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH, NLV, HN, Web

    Gen Ed
  • BIOL 112: Introduction to Animal Behavior

    Introduction to invertebrate and vertebrate animal behavior, its description, role, genetic and evolutionary basis, and methods of study. Designed as a general education, nonmajors course.
    Terms: Unavailable this year | Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus:

    Gen Ed
  • BIOL 113: Life in the Oceans

    An introduction to the environment and inhabitants of the sea.
    Terms: Fall, Spring | Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus: WCH, NLV

    Gen Ed
  • BIOL 116: Natural History

    This course explores the ways living organisms survive in nature and demonstrates how each organism illustrates the principles of ecology and evolution.
    Terms: Spring | Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus: NLV or HN

    Gen Ed
  • BIOL 120: Plants and People

    An introduction for non-biology majors to the social, cultural, and economic role of useful and harmful plants and
    plant products in modern society. Consideration is given to the origin, history and human value of selected plants, especially those used for food, medicine and industrial raw materials, or in religious rites.
    Terms: | Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus: HN

    Gen Ed
  • BIOL 121: Human Nutrition

    Description of the nature and role of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins and minerals in the human body. Energy relationships and various controversies in nutrition are examined, as well as relationships between nutrition, health and disease (Same as NUTR 121).
    Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer | Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus: WCH, NLV, HN, Web

    Gen Ed
  • BIOL 122: Desert Plants

    A study of the typical desert plant community types in the United States and the identification of their more common species. Explores adaptations to aridity and the nature, origin and occurrence of arid environments.
    Terms: Spring| Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 2 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH

    Gen Ed
  • BIOL 189: Fundamentals of Life Science

    Survey of contemporary biology topics including biochemistry, cell structure and function, cellular metabolism, physiology, and genetics. For Health Science majors who require biology as part of their professional career preparation.
    Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer | Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH, NLV, HN
    PREREQUISITE: Biology 189 has a pre-requisite of ENG 100 or ENG 101 or ENG 113 with a C- or better; and a pre-requisite of MATH 104B or MATH 116 or higher (excluding MATH 122 and MATH 123) with a C- or better.

    Health Sciences
  • BIOL 190: Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology

    A study of the basic characteristics of living systems including the chemical and physical structure of cells, classification of living organisms and principles of genetics, ecology and evolution. This course is designed for science, biological science and preprofessional majors.
    Terms: Fall, Spring| Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH, NLV
    PREREQUISITE: ENG 100 or 101 or 113; and MATH 124 or 126 or above; all with a grade of C- or better.

    AS degree,Medical Lab
  • BIOL 191: Introduction to Organismal Biology

    A survey of major groups of organisms presented in an evolutionary context, including natural selection, biodiversity, structure and function, reproduction, physiology, and ecology.
    Terms: Fall, Spring| Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH, NLV

    AS degree
  • BIOL 202: General Botany

    An introduction to the development, anatomy, physiology, diversity and evolutionary relationships of the major plant groups.
    Terms: Unavailable this year| Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus:
    PREREQUISITE: BIOL 189 or BIOL 190 or permission from instructor

  • BIOL 208: Introduction to Human Genetics

    Non-majors, general education course covering hereditary princi- ples applied to human inheritance and their implications for human affairs. Study of selected examples of human traits.
    Terms: Unavailable this year| Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus:
    PREREQUISITE: BIOL 101 or higher.

  • BIOL 211: Field Biology

    An introduction to field safety, navigation, species, diagnosis, data collection, survey techniques, and regulations associated with field biology. Outdoor and off-campus field work required..
    Terms: Available beginning Spring 2013| Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH

    Acceptable Prerequsites
    Acceptable Prerequisites for BIOL 211

    ANTH 101 or ANTH 102 or ANTH 202 or
    BIOL 116 or BIOL 122 or BIOL 189 or BIOL 190 or BIOL 220 or ENV 101 or ENV 220 or GEOG 103 or GEOL 101 or GEOL 105 or Instructor approval.

    AS degree
  • BIOL 220: Introduction to Ecological Principles

    An introduction to the major principles and underlying processes of organismal, population, community and ecosystem ecology (Same as ENV 220).
    Terms: Fall, Spring| Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus: Web

    Gen Ed
  • BIOL 223: Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    A detailed study of the anatomy and physiology of human cells and tissues and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Designed for allied health majors.
    Terms: Fall, Spring| Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH, NLV
    PREREQUISITE: BIOL 189 with a grade of C or better.

    Health Sciences
  • BIOL 224: Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    A detailed study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Topics include the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems. This course is designed for health science majors.
    Terms: Fall, Spring| Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH, NLV
    PREREQUISITE: BIOL 223 with a C or better.

    Health Sciences
  • BIOL 251: General Microbiology

    Survey of the distribution, morphology and physiology of micro- organisms in addition to skills in aseptic procedures, isolation and identification. Topics in microbial genetics, human disease and immunology are also explored. Recommended for all allied health and preprofessional majors.
    Terms: Fall, Spring| Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH, NLV
    PREREQUISITE: BIOL 189 with a grade of C or better.

    Health Sciences
  • BIOL 251H: General Microbiology - Honors

    Microbiology is targeted toward specific student interests in microbiology, cell, molecular and integrative microbiology, and those with backgrounds in biology and chemistry. The course provides in-depth coverage of microbial (prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and viral) structure, function, genetics, diversity, ecology, pathogenesis and immunology, with emphasis on microbial evolution and phylogeny, unique microbial metabolic pathways, molecular mechanisms and human-microbe interactions. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory.
    Terms: Fall, Spring| Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 3 | Campus: WCH
    PREREQUISITE: BIOL 190 and CHEM 121 and CHEM 122 all with a grade of C or better.

    Equivalent to BIOL 351
    Honors,AS degree
  • BIOL 299: Special Topics in Biology

    Covers selected topics of interest to students in the biological sciences.
    Terms:| Units: 4 | Lecture hours per week: 1-4 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus: TBA
    PREREQUISITE: BIOL 190 with a grade of C or better.

  • BIOL 325: Molecular Processes

    An introduction to the concepts of DNA replication, transcription, translation, the control of gene expression and DNA recombinant technologies. Will also include comprehensive study of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, gene expression and molecular techniques for clinical diagnosis and research. Emphasis on current techniques to assess genomes, and gene expression.
    Terms: Spring| Units: 3 | Lecture hours per week: 3 | Lab hours per week: 0 | Campus: WCH

    Medical Lab

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CSN Biological Sciences - Courses