6375 W. Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146 | +1-702-6517324 | Obscure_whiteley
With permission from a faculty mentor, CSN biological science students can register for BIOL 299 to receive credit for participating in independent research projects.
Make new discoveries in science with the possibility for publication and presentation at a conference.
SEA-PHAGES is a research course where students learn microbiology techniques to discover and name their own bacterial virus/phage and then learn bioinformatic techniques to perform complex genome annotations on their phage.
M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison
North Las Vegas, S221-D
(702) 651-4140 | earl.yoon@csn.edu
North Las Vegas, S221-E
(702) 651-4390 | chelsey.mckenna@csn.edu
Ph.D., University of Texas at Houston
North Las Vegas, S221-L
(702) 651-4459 | erin.windsor@csn.edu
Ph.D., University of Arizona
Charleston H201-P
(702) 651-5689 | james.theoret@csn.edu
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
North Las Vegas S221-C
(702) 651-4177 | Obscure_collumb
Research mentor
Henderson C200-B
(702) 651-3193 | Obscure_merkler